Three Monthly Programs to choose from

No initiation fee. Recurring billing starts upon sign up.


Apex Premium

What’s Included:

Apex Plus

  • We will create specialized challenges and dispute ALL items
    on your report

  • Inquiry removal

  • Strategize on how to build your credit score

  • Unlimited access to our customer service
    and credit repair experts

  • Guide to building credit

  • Creditor letters

  • Tri-merge report and all 3 scores

  • Personalized account page

  • Change of address updates

  • 90 day money back guarantee

  • We will create specialized challenges and dispute up to 10 key items on your report

  • Inquiry removal

  • Strategize on how to build your credit score

  • Unlimited access to our customer service
    and credit repair experts

  • Guide to building credit

  • Tri-merge report and 3 scores

  • 90 day money back guarantee

What’s Included:

Apex Lite

What’s Included:

  • We will create specialized challenges and dispute
    up to 5 key items on your report

  • Inquiry removal

  • Strategize on how to build your credit score

  • Unlimited access to our customer service
    and credit repair experts

  • Guide to building credit

  • 90 day money back guarantee

Life Happens.
We’re Here to Help

Apex Credit specializes in credit restoration focused on removing negative or inaccurate information leading to higher overall credit scores.